Tuesday 29 December 2009

Contents Page Analysis 1

This is a contents page that i have selected from the magazine 'Q'. It is a very well laid out and simple contents page which displays the information required very clearly. it is easy to understand and is a fast source of navigation through the magazine.

The Masthead of the contents page is very clear to read and does not draw too much attention away from the image in the centre of the contents page.
In the image the genre of the band shown are represented by the choice of clothing. In this particular image the band are dressed and presented as a indie alternative genre looking something simliar to Oasis. The hair style and the large aviater glasses represent Liam Gallager which is the leading memeber of Oasis.

The colour scheme of the magazine contents page is very simple and does not aimed to distract the readers from the image. A simple black and red colour formation is used throughout the contents page. This is used to create ideology and representate a Rock magazine. The colours have been stricly restricted to black and red apart from the image. They have used this to draw more attention towards the image and make the page seem more attracting and intresting.