Monday 4 January 2010

Contents page evaluation 2

This is my second analysis that i have hcosen to evaluate. The magazine is aimed at drummers, or those who are intrested in drumming and wish to read about genral drum up to date information.

The writing on the contents page is red and black which is a convention of rock. The colours also allow the text to stand out. The text is small and vague as contents pages should not include large amounts of infomation as they should be simple, easy to read and straight to the point.

On the top of the contents page, the masthead is easily visable with a red background which is a convention of rock which draws the attention of the reader. The images on this particular contents page refer to the name of this music magazine, Drummer. The pictures include some drummers and a band.

Contents Page analysis 3

This contents page is from Kerrang magzine. The contents page is neat as all the text is in line and sectioned off. The contents page is simple and easy to read which is how contents pages are suposed to be so it does not confuse the reader.This contents page, like most others, has used various photos. These photos show the reader some of the bands and musicians featured within this particular issue in this magazine. These photos grab the readers attention and make the reader want to know about these musicians within the magazine. These photos also represent the musicians attitudes and their type of music.

The picture of the musician swearing tells the reader that his music is 'in your face', edgy and rebellious as this is what swearing symbolises.The colours of the contents page is a convention of the type of music which Kerrang magazine represents which is various types of metal music. Theses colours are black, yellow and grey. These colours are edgy and grab the readers attention.

The text on the contents page is bold and the colours are seperated into sections. We can tell that the main headings are in yellow and the page numbers and storiesare written in black.