Sunday 21 March 2010

Double page spread analysis 1

The main focus on this particular double page
spread is the images. The images used are a
selection of images that have been taken from
live performances such as gigs and conerts.
this helps the audience/readers to get a feeling
of atmosphere.

The ideology behind this particular double page
spread is to give the audience informaiton about
punk and metal/rock music that is presented
within Kerrang magazine. This issue focuses on the
rock band, Avenged Sevenfold, a heavy metal band
who have been in the public eye for some time. This
band is a typical example of what the music in
Kerrange represents.

The layout of this double page spread is mainly to
focus on the photos of the band Avenged Sevenfold.
There are numerous photos along the bottom of the
double page spread and the right hand side of the page.
There is a small part of the magazine just for the text
on the double page spread. The text is upon a white
background to make the text easily visable for the

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